This game was made for a Game Design class I took my freshman  year, where we were given the entire semester to work on and create a game within a group setting. My role during the project was making a majority of the artwork, and designing the levels. I also reached out to outside sources to have music made for my game. 
This game is a wave based arena shooter with a top down perspective. Your goal is to defend your humble western town from evil demons. Protect your western town and duke it out with all of demonkind.
I really loved the theme of this game, because I am a big fan of western things. Naturally coming up with characters and enemy designs was my favorite part of the project. It was also extremely rewarding to work on a project with other people and see it through to completion.
Title Screen
Title Screen
How to Play
How to Play
Trusty Bartender
Trusty Bartender
Jolly Cooperation
Jolly Cooperation
Big Bad Boss
Big Bad Boss
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